Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ancient Egypt Lapbook

We have been studying ancient history this year with "Mystery of History Volume 1". We did the Ancient Egypt lapbook this fall, new from www.homeschoolshare.com, but did not put it together until now. The kids drew the pictures on the cover from their work in "Draw and Write Through History-Creation through Jonah", fun book. We are also doing the "Homeschool in the Woods Activity Pack for the Old Testament" as we go along. We weren't sure how we wanted to put the lapbook together since we plan on doing some other ancient lapbooks also but decided to do it this way for now. The kids enjoyed learning about this time and place in history.

By the way, THANKS Homeschool Share and Jodi for these great ancient history lapbooks!


  1. Looks great. I was especially pleased to see the drawings from Draw and Write Through History since those are on my wishlist for next year's curriculum. Thanks for posting such lovely pics.

  2. Looks good. I'm so glad you could use the lapbook along with other resources.

  3. We just started GTG. But going through history is next on my list. It looks like alot of fun!
